WE NEED YOUR HELPHelp support this special anniversary edition of the Victory Book with your photos, stories and reflections about the Gulf War. Twenty five years later, what do you remember about Desert Storm and what would you sooner forget? How did your time in the desert change you? What are the stories you share with your children or your grandchildren? We need your input to help tell the personal stories of the men and women who made up the Victory Division.
STILLSWe need your photographs!
Send photos of you, or members of your unit, taken during Desert Shield or Desert Storm. Please only send high resolution images. TO SEND YOUR IMAGES VISIT OUR CONTACT PAGE |
STORIESShare your personal stories!
Share your personal stories about your time serving with the 24th ID during Desert Shield or Desert Storm. Please limit your story to less than 500 words. TO SEND YOUR STORIES VISIT OUR CONTACT PAGE |
SENTIMENTSHow did the War impact you?
Looking back, 25 years later, how did the Gulf War affect you? How are you a different person today because of your time serving in the Persian Gulf? TO SHARE YOUR REFLECTIONS VISIT OUR CONTACT PAGE |